Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm Back

I have returned from my trip and will recommence my blog tomorrow. From the 1st of November my blog will host a Tibet Month in which most (although not all) of the posts will deal with matters related to Tibet, including my impressions of and experiences in that country. I look forward to your readership and your comments.


  1. Great ! I am looking forward to your write up on your trip to Tibet. Sadhu ! Sadhu !

  2. Welcome back. Looking forward to your morning blog.

    Your Frend


  3. Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful past few weeks.

  4. I'm so happy to see your posting today. Yes, plse resume your blogging as soon as you have taken a good rest. Our necks have been stretched...long..waiting

  5. Yes! Was waiting p-a-t-i-e-n-t-l-y for your return.

  6. I have been reading your blog for the past few weeks and It is nice to know that you are back. I have posted an article about you on my blog to let people who read my blog know your venerable. I am eager to see your post. May you be peace and happy.

  7. So glad you are back! I did not realize how much I counted on your wise observations until you left. I contented myself by reading old blogs when questions arose. Hope your trip went well. I know we will all benefit from your insights.
    Much metta.

  8. You're back! :) :) :)

    Looking forward to your story about your experience and insight of your trip to the Himalaya.
