Sunday, April 4, 2010

Contentment And Happiness

When there is discontent, this woe may be looked for. Whether one goes, stands, sits or lies, one has no happiness or pleasure. Whether one has gone to the forest, to the foot of a tree, to a lonely place, to an open space or among the monks, one finds no happiness or pleasure. But when there is contentment, this good may be looked for. Whether one goes, stands, sits or lies, whether one has gone to the forest, to the foot of a tree, to a lonely place, to an open space or amongst the monks, one finds happiness and pleasure. A.V.121


  1. Bhante,

    Thank you for that. Very inspiring. Is the sutta number correct? I found Gilana Sutta as A 5.121.


  2. Dear Michael,
    My Pali Text Society edition of the Anguttara Nikaya, fifth volume has this sutta on page 121 running on to page 122. It has the Gilana Sutta on page 120. Please check your source and get back to me.

  3. Bhante,

    Thank you for the reply. I am looking at:

    Cannot find the sutta you posted. My interest is because I would like to translate it and publish in my web site.

