Sunday, August 22, 2010

Seminar In KL

I have just returned from Kuala Lumpur where I participated in a seminar which was part of the 4th anniversary of Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda’s death. I shared the stage with Ven. Bhikkhuni Kusama, the first properly ordained nun in the Theravada tradition for over 1000 years. Together we took questions on a wide variety of subjects from a large and attentive audience.


  1. What were the monks on the third picture laughing about, I wonder?

  2. could be one of Bhante's jokes? .)

  3. Hello Bhante,

    I read in your "The Broken Buddha" that you are now a Samanera and that you do not count yourself to the Theravada tradition anymore. Could you tell me how we should refer to you? As a Buddhayana monk? Thank you Bhante.

  4. Dear Andrew,
    I have never heard a monk being addressed as ‘Hallo Ven. Theravada monk Sumana’ or ‘Good morning Ven. Manayana monk Padmasiri’. So you can address me pretty much the way you would address any other monk as ‘Venerable’, ‘Bhante’ or ‘Sir’. You can even address me as ‘Hey you!’if you like.
