Sunday, October 31, 2010

Island Of Peace

I would like to share with you a few pictures I took recently of the Siong Lim Temple which is within walking distance of my place. It was built in 1902 and although is now in the midst of a housing estate and has a major freeway right next to it, it has managed to maintain an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.


  1. Very nice photos. Please forgive my ignorance, who is depicted in the 6th photo ?
    Thank you,

  2. Dear BD,
    He is a door-guardian of a type traditionally found at the entrances of Buddhist and Hindu temples. Right now this particular one is taking a course in anger management.

  3. Thank you for replying. There are days where I could use a course in anger management too...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dear Bhante,

    May I know the address of this place? Is it open for public?

    As I am in Singapore right now, I would like to visit this peaceful and beautiful place :)

    Thank you

  6. Dear Carolina,
    The temple is in Tao Payoh. Ask any taxi driver to take you there. It is a well-known place.

  7. Dear Bhante,

    I went there this afternoon. It is a really peaceful place and I admire the artistic value of the building :)

    Thank you Bhante

