Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dhamma Tour In Sumatra

I have just returned from a five-day Dhamma tour of northern Sumatra in Indonesia. I traveled to six locations and spoke to big crowds, the largest being a 3500 audience at the Grand Aston City Hall in Medan itself. It is really good to see the level if interest in the Dhamma in this somewhat isolated part of Indonesia.


  1. I wish I was there! On the last picture, there are monastics with different robes too.

  2. Venerable Sir,

    This comment is not about your latest post, but it is the only way we could contact you.
    First of all thank you for the great work you are doing, and for your work in disseminating Buddha's teachings
    Second, we would like to ask the permission to print for free distribution your book Good Question Good Answer translated in Romanian. We believe this book is perfect to introduce Buddhism to Romanians (that don't really know much about it)
    Thank you again for your excellent work, and we wish you good health and a long happy life.

    Theravada Buddhist Association of Romania

  3. Dear Romanian Buddhist,
    I am very happy to give you permission to translate GQGA. Please send me your email number so we can communicate directly.

  4. Venerable sir,

    Thank you very much for giving us the requested permission and for finding time to communicate with us!
    My email is ciprisalagean@gmail.com

    Our best wishes!
    Ciprian Salagean - on behalf of Theravada Buddhist Association of Romania
