Saturday, December 17, 2011

Indonesian Extras I

The year is coming to an end so I am clearing some of the photos I have taken in the last 12 months. In October I was in Indonesia to give some talks but mainly for last minute checking for my new book, a guide book to the great Buddhist temple of Borobudur. During my previous trip there I was astonished to discover that although there are a dozen or so guide books to the temple as a whole, there is none explaining the 120 panels depicting the life of the Buddha. So I have written one. Arriving in Yogyakarta for final checking I went to meet Ven. Pannavaro, former Sangha Nayaka of Indonesia, only to discover he had just assisted a Dutch scholar in writing a guide book similar to mine. He showed me the book then we went to Mendut to see some sculptures there and then we caught up on all the news. While in Yogyakarta I gave some talks as well as later in Jakarta.


  1. Dear Bhante,

    I love the pictures of you together with Bhante Panna.

  2. That's definitely a site I must visit sometime.

  3. Very lovely photos from you.
    I think you really had an awesome trek all those times, thanks for sharing it!

    Melody from panneau stratifié 
