Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Back Again

‘When a man who has been away for a long time and has returned safely from afar, his kinsmen, friends and companion welcome him back’ (Dhp.219). And so it is with me. I have returned from my trip to Europe and will re-commence my blog on the 22nd of this month. I hope you will join me then.


Chris Kang said...

Welcome home, Bhante. Nice to have you back. Looking forward to your postings.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! Welcome back.

natbas said...

I too would like to join in welcoming you- we've been waiting.



dmkorman said...

Welcome back. It appears that your travels went safely. I hope they were also enjoyable.

wizwman said...

Yes Bhante, welcome welcome. I am eagerly waiting for more Dharma nuggets from you.

dyannne said...

Bhante, missed your blog lots. I look forward to more musings!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home. I really missed your articles. I'm patiently waiting to read your wisdom once again.

Liew Shi Xiong said...

Dear Bhante,

welcome back! Look forward to your Dhamma musings.

Unknown said...

Bhante ,I've waited for quite a long time.

Riglin said...

Welcome back. How was the month long stay over there?

What I like and what I dislike said...

Welcome back and thank you for the good news. Looking forward to read your blog again.

Paulo said...

Welcome back, bhante!

anotherqueerjubu said...

Your return is greeted with celebration and gratitude.