Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Burmese Art At The Museum

Recently I went to see the newest exhibition at the Museum of Asian Civilizations, ‘Cities and Kings, Ancient Treasures from Myanmar’.  The exhibition is only a small one, giving the visitor a rather hurried tour of Burmese art, mainly religious, from the Bagan period to the 19th century. Nonetheless, most pieces are exceptional and demonstrate the refinement of Burmese civilization. After seeing the exhibition I had a look at some of the museum’s recent acquisitions, including several pieces of Buddhist sculpture from Mathura, Gandhara and China. The exhibition is on until the 5th of Match 2017



brahmavihara said...

A very fine exhibition of Buddha rupas indeed.

maciej said...

Venerable Sir,

The collection of the Burmese art you wrote about here is indeed wonderful.
And thank you for sharing the pictures with all of us.
HOWEVER, can we really enjoy that art while at the same time
people who call themselves "Buddhists" persecute those of other
faiths precisely in Burma (Myanmar)? I know, I'm spamming now -
that's because you, Sir, have successfully barricated yourself
from receiving emails (I've tried to contact you via your Singapore center,
to no avail). I believe that nobody who considers their Buddhism seriously
can simply neglect what happens with Rohingya people in Myanmar.
I believe that if we do nothing about the persecution of the innocent
at hands of some Buddhists, the Dhamma is already dead.
A petition at Petitions24 and a fundraiser at crowdrise.com have been
launched by yours truly for the sake of Rohingyas, both being pathetic failures.
But I am in touch with Alan Senauke (http://www.clearviewproject.org/)
to discuss a plan to at least help Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.
Please do join the effort.

I am, Venerable Sir, sincerely yours,
Maciej Janowicz, Warsaw, Poland

Samiddhi2010 said...

Dear Maciej,

Just to keep you informed, Bhante is in the process of relocating and is facing a challenge to use this blog as it is still affected by a recent hacking of his email.
Thanks for your understanding.
On behalf of Bhante, I am reposting his response here :

Dear Maciej,
thanks for your message. I have not ‘barricaded myself
from receiving emails’ but on the 8th February my email
address was hacked and only three days ago have I managed to
get someone to disentangle the mess. It’s always best to
resist not jumping to conclusions Maciej. If you read some
if my early blog posts you will see my feelings about
Burma’s military government, and having lived in Asia I am
well aware that Buddhists are as prone to prejudice and
hatred as are other religious groups. However, as I’m sure
you understand it is simply not possible to express an
opinion on every incident of injustice – because there are
so many. Anyway, right now I have some very difficult
issues in my life which, along with the hacking, is the
reason I have not looked at my blog since the end of
January. And at present I cannot access my original
blog address. Good luck with your petition.

Anonymous said...

I have a question regarding Bhante's whereabouts in May. I'm sorry if this is inappropriate for some reason. Could someone please post his contact info here?
Thank you very much and sorry if this is not okay for some reason!

Samiddhi2010 said...

Dear Celso,
Bhante has relocated back to Australia. As per the comment I posted earlier, he has not been able to access his blog due to the challenges he faced with his email.

I have emailed him your question 2 weeks ago have yet to receive a reply from him.

Bhante usually requires assistance with his computer network but he is largely on his own at the moment.

Hope for your understanding and patience.

XYZ said...

These statues looking absolutely stunning.

Unknown said...

Stunning beauty! Thank you for sharing!

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Anonymous said...

Very nice ancient collections. I also have a nice collection of antique Buddha statues from 16-20th century. I really appreciate you for sharing this with us.

Alessandro S. said...

Thank you for posts like these, Bhante.
Wishing you well.

maciej said...

Venerable Sir, I very much hope you are all right and your email account has been repaired. Now, some Buddhist teachers, community leaders and ordinary buddhists like yours truly have decided, on initiative of Hozan Alan Senauke, to write an open letter in defence of Rohingya people. Please join them - link provided below.
Sincerely yours,
Maciej Janowicz


Daria said...

Great! Very nice entry, see Low prices we have similar interests.

Unknown said...

A very Happy New Year to you, Bhante!

Unknown said...

Dear Bhante,

I hope your adverse situations have been bettered. I enjoy the blog and the A to Z website. Please feel welcome in Holland too.

Sakyasingh said...

Dear Bhante,
I read your short article http://www.island.lk/index.php?page_cat=article-details&page=article-details&code_title=164419, I liked your assumption. However, why not to assume that the Pali Tipitika was first composed and written during the First Sangiti, right after the MahaNibbana of Tathagata? Of course, believing in the Sri Lankan Chrononicals has no logic! According to them, Sri Lankan monks decided to write down the Tipitika because there was famine and they thought all the monks would die and none would remain to tell the Dhamma to the folks. It might be true in the case of Sri Lankan History but not for the general history of Buddhism. Because, we see there were many monks in India roaming here and there in the first century BCE. The Sangha was not about to end in India.

Many people assume that before King Ashoka, there was no culture of writing in India. But it is not true. Chanakya had already written Arthashastra before Ashoka. In fact, if we believe in the Silpa Sutta, Udana; writing culture was already in existence before Buddha! So why can we not assume that Tiptika was composed and written during the first Sangiti. Yes, the culture of memorization has been widely misunderstood by the western scholars! Memorization does not mean solely memorizing the oral lessons of teacher but memorizing from from the written texts too. We did in the past and still we do memorize from the written texts! So what happened to those manuscripts which were written down during the first Sangiti? I think they were naturally perieshed, just like we do not have many scripts of the works of so called Seven Ancient Greek Sages! After all the writing materials were natural and delicate! Thanks!

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