I found so many interesting, unusual, funny, quirky, inspiring or beautiful pictures on the internet during the last month and couldn’t decide which to use for my Picture Of The Month. In the end it came down to two and as I just couldn’t make up my mind which of them to pick I decided, ‘What the heck! Use them both.’ As for the first one – what can I say! When I saw it I laughed for a whole five minuets. It’s someone’s idea of what would have resulted if Michelangelo had met his model for David 35 years later than he did. The second one evoked a very different response in me. It epitomizes the Buddha’s words ‘
kalyanamitata kalyanasahayata kalyanasampavanakata’ (S.V,2). If you want to know what this phrase means have a look at the picture again.

Next month, starting on the 12th I intend to examine everything the Buddha says about sex and sex-based relationships – no holes bared. No, wait! That last expression didn’t come out right. Please ignore.
The cats make an almost perfect yin-yang shape.
The statue of David looks like what would have happened if Micaelangelo used an American model.
David S.
I am curious. What exactly does ‘kalyanamitata kalyanasahayata kalyanasampavanakata’ mean in English?
~ gassho ~
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