Now here is some interesting of statistics for you! A recent Pew Survey in the US showed that of all religious followers Buddhists were most likely to accept evolution as the most convincing explanation for the origins of life. Either American Buddhists are better educated and more open to the findings of science that others or they have been completely taken in by those fossils Satan has planted all over the place.

or you have a sarcastic pleasure to poke the fundamentalist christians. either way, welcome back.
The Buddha has often required individuals to think before accepting any idea or thought. The evidence for the theory of evolution is pretty compelling, and as of now, alternative explanations are not as satisfactory, except for those who refuse to think hard about the theory.
Welcome back, Bhante!
I wonder what the other 19% thought about the origin of life/evolution?
The parable of the arrow, perhaps?
American Christianity is very different from England and Europe's Christianity. I sense there are proportionately higher "theistic evolutionists" (i.e. they believe that God using evolution as a creation process) among Christians than America (where Christian fundamentalism originates, and is now exporting itself to Singapore and even to England).
Even the Dasha (10) Avatars of Vishnu in a way represents the Theory of Evolution...where Vishnu Takes the Form of a Fish (Sea Living) ,Tortoise (Amphibian-both sea & Land)....etc to a Farmer,King and a Stratergist (Krishna) and Finally the Yet to come Kalki..(which may represnt the Modern day Advancements in the field of Biology)
Any Way
Welcome Back..I waiting for you to post ur Experiences and Pics of your Recent Journey to the Himalayas
You left out Buddha, who is said to be the moost recent avatar of Visnu.
Can poke ourselves also. Fossils, huh! Never go visit Buddha tooth relics temples? Gold thread cloaks? Never see gold plated Buddha statues high as mountain?
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