For millennia, Asia has been enriched by the Buddha's teachings, giving rise to great and peaceful civilisations. However, in recent times, Buddhist countries across Asia have been affected by political conflicts, consumerism and hostile ideologies. Buddhists have struggled to deal with these problems but not always in the most carefully thought-out and effective manner. Constructing large Buddha statues, building more stupas and organizing chanting ceremonies do little to counter these very real challenges. As Asian Buddhist communities make the transition to modern societies there is a great need for authentic, easy-to-read and readily available literature on the Dhamma. Dhamma Aid Asia was initiated by a group of young Malaysian Buddhists as an intelligent response to this need. While many Buddhist communities across Asia have difficulty in finding the resources to rebuild their religion, those beyond Buddhism’s traditional homelands often have a surplus. Dhamma Aid Asia seeks to address this disparity by creating the medium for Buddhists who seek a wiser and effective way to support the Buddha Sasana. Dhamma Aid Asia is a non-profit organization with a policy of not accumulating funds. All members are volunteers working from their homes and thus incur minimal operating costs. Personal expenses of volunteers are borne by themselves. Particular attention is given to publishing and distributing Dhamma books in isolated and deprived communities. If you are looking for a worthwhile organization to make a donation to consider Dhamma Aid Asia. Their web site is at
I am not the 5th or 9th reincarnation of a great lama, I have not recived any empowerments or initiations, I am not the holder of any lineage, I am yet to attain any of the jhanas, I am not a widely respected teacher, I am not a stream enterer (at least I don't feel like one)and I do not have many disciples. Nontheless, you may find some of my observations and musings interesting. I have been a Buddhist monk for 32 years and am the spiritual advisor to the Buddha Dhamma Mandala Society in Singapore.
Wonderful Bhante. May I place this piece and link on my blog? Chris
Dear Chris,
Please do.
Many thanks Bhante. Here it is for your reference:
i could just remember our philosophy class. We talked about different religions. And from yopur blog, it brought me to that day. thanks!
krish from mitigeur cuisine
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