Okay! Hears one for you. Why is the Buddha’s hair usually depicted as a collection of tightly twisted spiraling curls? A search through the internet came up with two particularly cockeyed explanations. (1) The Buddha sat in meditation for so long that snails slid up his body and rested on his head. This theory would seem to be based on the similarity between the spiriling curls and snail shells (yawn, yawn!). (2) On a black pride website claiming that most of the civilization’s great innovations actually originated in Africa or were made by black people, it is maintains that the Buddha was actually an African. The proof of that is that he had crinkly African-type hair (groan!). Okay, after that interesting sojourn in cloud-cuckoo land, let’s return to earth and have a look at the evidence. Firstly, let us be clear that this is more a question related to iconography and art history than to Buddhist thought and practice. Secondly, I know of no serious attempts by Buddhist commentators or art historians to e
xplain the spiraling curls on Buddha images. And thirdly, the Tipitaka offers no authentic information about the Buddha’s hair other than to say that it was black (kalakesa) and that he cut it off when he renounced the world to become a monk (M.I,163). Although it is not mentioned anywhere in the Tipitaka, we can safely assume that the Buddha shaved his head like all other monks. Depictions of him with hair, is an iconographical convention without historical basis.

So where did the spiraling curls come from? The Lakkhana Sutta and several other suttas are devoted to the concept of the 32 Signs of a Great Man (mahapurisalakkhana), a rather strange idea introduced into Buddhism at a later period. One of these signs pertain to the hair. The relevant passage reads ‘Uddhaggani lomani jatani nilani anjanavannani kundalavattani padakkhinavattaka jatan’ (D.II,17). Word for word this means – uddhaggani = turns around or upwards, lomani = hair, nilanianjanavannani = black in color similar to collyrium, kundalavattani = curled, and padakkhinavatta = turning to the right. So according to the sutta, the Great Man’s hair was black and curled upwards and to the right. It was probably thought to curl the right because the right has been, in nearly all cultures, considered more auspicious. Being the color of collyrium is interesting. The Pali and Sanskrit word nila means black, blue or dark. Now collyrium as it is used in India, is made from the ash of fleabane, ghee and a few other ingredients and is a black greasy substance. In Mahayana sutras the nila gradually came to be understood as being blue. In the Gandhavyuha Sutra’s discussion on the signs of a Great Man it glosses nila as ‘the color of the vairocana jewel’ which is blue in color. This is why Tibetan Buddha statues have blue hair.
Anyway, when the first sculptors made Buddha statues they tried to depict at least some of the 32 signs. It is thought that the first Buddha statues were made in Gandhara under Greek influence, and in Mathura, in around the 1st/2nd centuries CE. Greek or Greek-influenced sculptors in Gandhara, perhaps more rooted in reality, depicted the Buddha’s hair naturalistically as, not exactly curling to the right, but waving to the right. The first Mathura-manafactured Buddhas show him with a single bun spiraling to the right, something like a Mr. Whippy ice cream. The Gandhara style never penetrated into India proper and eventually died out. The spiraling Mathura style eventually evolved into many spiraled curls and the Buddha’s hair has been depicted in that manner ever since.
Anyway, when the first sculptors made Buddha statues they tried to depict at least some of the 32 signs. It is thought that the first Buddha statues were made in Gandhara under Greek influence, and in Mathura, in around the 1st/2nd centuries CE. Greek or Greek-influenced sculptors in Gandhara, perhaps more rooted in reality, depicted the Buddha’s hair naturalistically as, not exactly curling to the right, but waving to the right. The first Mathura-manafactured Buddhas show him with a single bun spiraling to the right, something like a Mr. Whippy ice cream. The Gandhara style never penetrated into India proper and eventually died out. The spiraling Mathura style eventually evolved into many spiraled curls and the Buddha’s hair has been depicted in that manner ever since.
A quick note:
There's a sutta on the Sutta Nipata (Sn. 142) where a brahmin angry at the presence of a shaved monk (he was going to make some ritual as I recall), he told him, "Stay there, you shaveling, stay there you wretched monk, stay there you outcast."
Maybe this indicates that the Buddha shaved his hair.
I didn't know that the Marks of a Great Man is not a canonical idea. Do you know which suttas in the Majjhima Nikaya are later introductions to the Pali Canon?
That would be interesting to know.
There is a passage in Majjjima-nikaya, which indicates that, the Buddha of the past, Kassapa, was also shaving his head:
"One day the potter Ghatikara addressed the brahmin student Jotipala thus: 'My dear Jotipala, let us go and see the Blessed One Kassapa, accomplished and fully enlightened. I hold that it is good to see that Blessed One, accomplished and fully enlightened.' The brahmin student Jotipala replied: 'Enough, my dear Ghatikara, what is the use of seeing that bald-pated recluse?'" — Ghatikara-sutta (MN 81), translated from Pali by Bhikkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi
Dear Adrian and Piotr,
Thank you both for pointing out the two passages which I had forgotten, and which confirm what I said, that the Buddha was a
'mundaka’ monk. The 32 Signs are canonical in that they are mentioned in the Canon but of course not everything in the Canon can be attributed to the Buddha or dates from his time. The Signs would be an example of this.For some of my thoughts on the 32 Signs go to www.buddhismatoz.com and have a look at ‘Signs of a Great Man.’
I think it is fairly safe to say that most of the material in the Majjhima dates from the earliest period of Buddhism, but suttas like numbers 91,92,116 and 123,are doubtful.
Thanks for this interesting bit of information. I had thought that it was due to beliefs in physiognomy, so it more or less confirmed my suspicion. Intelligent persons are supposed to have bumps on the head, so an exceptionally intelligent person like the Buddha would have a very large cranial bump. As for the hair, if monks shaved their heads once a month, nearer to the end of the month there would be hair visible, as can even be observed nowadays on some monks.
If only camera was invented 3,000 years ago, we wouldn't be splitting curly hairs now.
Talking about creator-god, why wasn't the camera created? This is far more useful than eye-worms and enable all things bright and beautiful to be captured.
I am tired of the esoteric answers to a simple question. The Indian hair structure is varied---from straight to curly. Historically, India was invaded by the Aryans, hence a straighter hair texture. Buddha's hair deeply resembles an African hairstyle called "Bantu Knots." Through trade, people shared music, religion, clothing styles, foods, martial arts, and even hairstyles without the baggage that race placed upon modern society. I am not attempting to prove Buddha to be a Black man, but I encourage you to research India and take a look at the many faces of India. Here is a great website that should help you understand that Buddha's hair was probably extremely curly---no snails. If you can set aside your biases, ethnocentrism, and fears, you may be able to view India as it was and is. Please view:
This site was created by an Indian and, therefore, it is not Black pride propaganda. Just historical and factual information. Please note the bronze Africoid dancer figurine found in the Indus Valley around 2nd millenium B.C.
I really liked this post and I've seen it being mentioned by many people whenever the discussion about the Buddha's hair pops up.
However, I have a question related to this article about the use of the word 'nila'. One of the signs of a great man is 'Ahbi Nila Netto' translated by many on the Internet (inlcuding wikipedia) as 'Very Blue Eyes'. This confuses me a little bit. Who has decided that the word Nila is meant as blue here? When, like you stated, Nila can also be used for 'black' and 'dark'. The hair of the Buddha is mentioned as 'Blue Black', also named with the word Nila. Why is the nila from the hair color, different from that of the eyes? Where is the difference, I wonder. Very Blue Eyes, in my opinion, might give people a wrong impression. They might associate this with the blue eyes you see in people today, light blue eyes, sky blue eyes etc. I don't think Nila is a correct word for such a light color.
To support the sign, a quote if often given:
''He has very blue eyes (Pali: abhi nila netto). Note 1: "very (abhi) blue (nila) eyes (netto)" is the literal translation. Nila is the word used to describe a sapphire and the color of the sea, but also the color of a rain cloud. It also defines the color of the Hindu God Krishna. Note 2: "His lashes are like a cow's; his eyes are dark./ Those who know such things declare/ 'A child which such fine eyes/ will be one who's looked upon with joy./ If a layman, thus he'll be/ Pleasing to the sight of all./ If ascetic he becomes,/ Then loved as healer of folk's woes.'" (Lakkhana Sutta)''
Wait a second. Very blue eyes, but ''his eyes are dark? And Nila is also used to describe a rain cloud? Sapphire is really dark blue. And Krishna is dark/black/dark-blue. Where does this fit with the 'very blue eyes' translation?
On wikipedia this 'particular scentence is stated as: ''His eyes are blue.'' (and on other sites too. Really odd that only this scentence is changed.) Why would people have two meanings to this word? There is a difference between blue eyes and dark eyes. Unless ofcourse, nila was used, and therefore nobody is really sure what exact color is used here.
My question is not necessarily related to the Buddha only, but to the use and definition of 'Nila' when talking about the 32 Signs of a Great man a Great Man.
I would really like to know what your opinion is about this.
Greetings Ruben Demos
(Also interesting to mention, maybe, I'm Dutch and Buddhism is really growing in popularity here. Thankfully.)
Pardon me,
it is not Wikipedia that has these changes in the scentence. It is this page: http://www.dhammawiki.com/index.php?title=32_signs_of_a_great_man
African culture is the only culture to be found on each and every continent. American Indians were the offspring of African and Asians. Ha. Christopher Columbus just stumbled across America? How about lead here by Africans. Jesus had the hair texture of wool...but he was a white man with read hair. Open your eyes people, or better get watch hidden colors documentary. Pharaohs- Africans and so fourth. That's why they have Egyptology...to cover up the truth about the Africans reign. The African culture will reign again, like it or not.
The Dravidians are a people in India who look totally black, but yet very much from India, its not far fetched that buddha was a black man actually. Because of the time period it's likely he was dark with curly hair like some blacks from Africa. Surely he would have called a nigger by some whites, so lets not fool ourselves. Arabs are called sandniggers by whites for gods sake.. Race isn't just a biological construct its also a social one, who do you think a dark skinned buddha would identify with in the Deep South of racists America.
Many people think that Buddha is a black or African man due it's curly hair on his statues, but it is totally meaningless fact because their are many documents from ancient times which talks about how "Siddhartha Gautam" was one of the most handsome person with bright skin and everyone at that time thinks that how can such handsome man like him became a monk.
So thinking Buddha as African or Black man is totally proofless and can be only a African ppropaganda.
It is very concentrated and difficult process to became a "Buddha" their are many great monks which ends their life in this process that means they remain "Bodhisattva", so I thinks that if someone can achieve the "Buddha" state then he can give the right answer to us.
Hi I actually agree some what with tonya's post.
The author mentioned he looked on a black pride website that stated that budda's origin is African. He also mentioned that this website was crazy to post such information. In all reality, the first life originated from africa. If he did his research carefully without casting judgment, he will recognize that budda's mother was of African decent. In india, there are people with african ancestry. Budda allowed his hair grow out, showing his african origin. It in impossible to erase what was originally there. Please be respectful and give honor to nature. Let's say sorry for the way we have treated the african origin. lets say sorry for trying erase her existence. Africa is the foundation of us all whether you want to deny it or not. Thanks ;)
Proof-less? how? how is it proof-less?
There is no propaganda. Africa is where civilization began. Without Africa, there will be no Budda. Do your research before you begin making claims. If my mother was an african and my father was an indian that make me a person of african decent. Why do you take so must energy to erase a culture. Why? What has africa ever done to the world but give it riches of the earth, dance, music, song & spirituality. Did africa ever sail the great seas and make claim to discover other lands? did African ever cause atrocities upon other lands? so why do you look down on her? why do make it seem like Africa is not worth paying respect to? why? what has she done to deserve such a comment. what is your definition of propaganda? let me guess. Your definition of propaganda is denying a natural born civilization the right to express that they originated from greatness. The world has turned their backs on Africa, the land and the people. How do you dislike a people that gave birth to mankind? how ? Prove what? Please think before you make a statement. Please be respectful to mother Africa. Peace & blessings.
Here is the proof: please watch
Apparently, modern day is not the first global civilization...
What a load of racist bullcrap - written by a WHITE 'Buddhist' none the less. You people are some of the most hateful and racist people in the world - if only poor Buddha had known what kind of people would be spreading his message. Sad.
Tonya, Evenwhenilie, love angel & Anne
Several points.
1. Buddha's hair was not in Bantu knots. He was most likely bald like all spiritual seekers in India. Visual depictions of him came several centuries after. The statues in India show him with wavy hair ant the others in SE Asia show him with short hair that has curled.
2. Buddha's mother was not African. Where do you get this nonsense? She was South Asian and Dravidians are not black. Google Aishwarya Rai or Vidya Balan. Do they look African to you? Besides, there is no race of people called Dravidians. It simply means people from the south. And there was no Aryan invasion either. Genetics shows that Aryans evolved from India. I don't care if you cite an Indian website.
3. Neither Buddha nor the Dravidians have recent African ancestry. The last common ancestor between Indians and Africans was 70,000 years ago. The only Indians with African ancestry are the approx. 20,000 Siddis that were brought over by the Muslims in the 11th century.
4. There is nothing this white gentleman has said that is racist. Stop playing the race card. Just because he called out this nonsense that Afrocentrics put out doesn't mean he is a racist. Why is it OK for black people to become offended simply when a white person has his/her hair in cornrows, yet it's OK for blacks to appropriate entire cultures?
As most know monks of the time had shaved and short hair. doh. The so called hair that is shown on Buddha art is not hair.doh. Wake up and stop the speculative assumptions. . The 1000 chakras - of sahasrara have opened; Plus plus plus. The golden spire rising from the crown is symbolic of the infinite nature that is realized by a Buddha. Don't think do.
As it is.
Why are u groaning bcs he has hair like an African ? The ultimate being is the black man of Asia . life originated in Africa . I have key real monks ., not the Caucasian type in my line of work . Everything originated in Africa and your frustration with the facts is what is actually obnoxious . " Pretend Buddhists" who just read a bunch of books are gross . " Your mindset is so off track and Buddha represents original man . His hair is like mine . Majestic .
The three aversions hatred,greed and ignorance. A being no matter what it is has Buddha nature, what clouds this ultimate state of being are the three aversions. You are holding your self back to achieving buddha hood. Racial rants are useless was Buddha from Africa, why does it matter. Train your mind by chanting Om Mani Padme Hum 108 times or more every day, focus on each syllable and follow the sound vibrations with your minds eye, then you will experience a state of peace.
Since we are all from Africa it doesn't matter. Also, it also doesn't mean the people living in the area now are not his biological offspring. In fact, go back far enough, most of us are likely the biological descendants of all of the regions of the earth owing the promiscuously curious or otherwise circumstances of our fore-bearers. ;)
You couldn't make a point without insulting Black people? Seriously the racism was unnecessary. Good thread tho...
You couldn't make a point without insulting Black people? Seriously the racism was unnecessary. Good thread tho...
You couldn't make a point without insulting Black people? Seriously the racism was unnecessary. Good thread tho...
You couldn't make a point without insulting Black people? Seriously the racism was unnecessary. Good thread tho...
bright does not mean white. white means white. Lighter or light might also work. However, bright means it exudes or glistens. Consequently, it would seem Buddha had oily skin. As for the rest of your nonsense, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
The proof of that is that he had crinkly African-type hair (groan!). Some things shouldn't be said!
This is the answer to why the Buddha wore his hair like that.
I have posted what is probably the most logical answer here. Of course logic doesn't mean logic to white people when there is the suggestion that Buddha could be black.
You can go read it yourself and you can judge if any rejection of the arguments is not a sop to racial prejudices. For what its worth one of Krishna's names translates as curly-haired, and Rama was described as having a fleshy nose and fleshy lips in contrast to his half-brother Lakshman, but it is surprising how the popular depictions of Rama and Krishna tend to ignore those descriptions.
The snail fairytale is to cover up the true nature of humanity which is black with wooly hair just as Yehoshua described, all those with straight hair are albinic see Tricksofthestrades channel The Myth of Whiteness if you are dedicated to knowing truth.
Buddha would not have been white. The people Buddha came from were black. White people were not indigenous to the area. In fact, I'm pretty sure Buddha did not have a fat belly and an effeminate face. Buddha was a pregnant black woman and representative of a time when women ruled religion. Men took over, over time and turned Buddha into a man and turned effeminate angels into men. That's what the story of Adam and Eve was. "Adam" translates into "man rose" and Eve depicted as a woman translates into "night fell on woman". It was a new day.
Europe really burst on the world scene in what its history terms the "late Middle Ages" In a few centuries, the pale-skinned people managed to wipe out at least a half-dozen civilizations in South America (archeologists are still digging, so we don't yet know the exact number.) They subdued great swathes of the reast of the planet. Gotta give them top marks for ruthless conquest. Along the way,big parts of Africa, where the really dark-skinned people are from, were made sources of slave labor. So the world got light skin = master, black skin - slave. Afro-centrism is a laudable project to overturn those equivalencies. Too bad some Afrocentrists go way overboard. Certainly the Egyptians and related peoples were dark brown to pure black, white supremists to the contrary notwithstanding. Certainly all dark skinned people are not necessarily of African descent. Please calm down Afrocentrists! I'm on your side, just pointing out that the arguments VAn Sertima and others make for some links have to admitted to be pretty weak. As for Shakyamuni -- the Shakyas were a northern group, so most probably not very dark. Buddha was a monk, so probably didn't have much visible hair. We plain don't know for sure what he looked like. We can be proud of our African looks and African heritage without insisting Buddha shared our biological ancestry in his lifetime as the Tathagatha. Can't we?
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